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About Mediacio

the woman behind Mediacio

About Judith

For more than 14 years, Judith has been working as a conflict resolution professional and in uncovering the deeper layers of conflicts. She is a mediator, conflict coach, she facilitates change processes, guides dialogues and is a trainer. Next to this work at Mediacio – centre for dialogue and mediation – she works at a large international organisation as senior conflict expert in international mediation and negotiation processes.

Judith’s great strength is her open attitude and the way she lets everyone be themselves in the conversation. As a cultural anthropologist, she has learned to relate to different cultures and to appreciate everyone’s background. Her university master’s degree in conflict studies and her extensive conflict work worldwide give her the theoretical basis and practical knowledge to understand how conflicts can arise and where to start in order to resolve them.

Referenties over Judith

'In my daily life, I work with people who are stuck in a conflict situation. I also coach people who want to be bridge builders. I do this in one-on-one coaching, in mediating conflict between two or more people, in facilitating change processes and in providing training (worldwide). A safe environment and respect for everyone's background and opinion are essential.'

“I think it is important that, when being in a safe environment, people learn to unravel where their conflict originated – this can be an internal struggle or a conflict with someone else – and how they can take steps from within themselves and with the other to solve the problem. When we are in conflict, we often point the finger at the other person. Not because we necessarily want to blame the other person, but because our good intentions in what we do do do not allow us to understand why it went wrong. When it clashes with the other person, this can be tough for you. To change the situation you need openness towards yourself and the other person.

Within Mediacio I use different methods that I have learned over the years in the conflict field and in thorough training and courses. In every process that I guide, I offer people tools that they themselves can apply in their daily lives. Mediacio focuses on the step-by-step discovery of what you yourself find important and how you can make different choices from there. For yourself or in relation to others. Steps that can lead to achieving the desired goal.”

The dragonfly

The dragonfly is a symbol of transformation, flexibility and stands for the ability to adapt to circumstances. The dragonfly is sometimes also seen as the bringer of happiness, new insights and a new start. The colour of the dragonfly changes in the course of their lives and we, as humans, also experience growth. Life has infinite possibilities, but you don’t always see them.

At Mediacio I guide transformation processes, this is what Mediacio stands for. By looking deeper into the underlying causes of conflict in yourself and others, and by daring to deal with them, a lasting change can occur.

Conflicts are difficult, emotional and grow over many people’s heads. People often do not know exactly how to deal with their conflict situation. However, I believe that everyone can learn how to manage conflict. By asking the right questions, providing tools and applying various methods, I help people to communicate with each other or with themselves again.


  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), course to become an ACT-trainer – See True (2020)
  • Family and Divorce Mediator Course – Mediation Educatie Centrum, accredited by Mediation federatie Nederland (2017)
  • Mediation Course– Het Mediationhuis, accredited by Mediation federatie Nederland (2012)
  • Master Conflict Resolution and Governance (Political Science master) – University  of Amsterdam (UvA), (2009 – 2010)
  • Bachelor Non-western Sociology and Cultural Antropology, University of Amsterdam (2005 – 2009)


  • Basic Safety & Security Course (HEAT) – Centre for Safety and Development (2016 & 2019)
  • Bikablo Visual Facilitation training – Bikablo (2017)
  • Participatory Strategic Planning training – ICA UK (2016)
  • Training of Trainers traineeship – ICCO/KiA (2014 – 2015)
  • Imagional Learning, follow-up facilitation techniques – ICA NL (2014)
  • Group Facilitation Methods training – ICA NL (2014)
  • KUMI Social Transformation in Conflict, 2 x 5 days workshop – Transform & Critical Mass (2011 & 2012)
  • Changemakers Traineeship for sustainable project implementation –  ICCO & Edukans (2011)
  • Non-violent communication, basic course – Vine Training & Coaching (2011)
  • Course in neighbourhood mediation – Beterburen (2011)
  • Restorative Circles – Dominic Barter (2011)
  • Facilitiation course intercultural dialogue – Soliya (2009)


  • Senior Fellow Clingendael Academy- senior conflict resolution expert, development and conducting of trainings in negotiation and mediation skills and conflict analysis for groups in conflict, (insider) mediators, humanitarian aid workers, Mediation Support Units, diplomats and professionals worldwide – Institute Clingendael (2015 – heden)
  • Chair of the board – Institute for Cultural Affairs Netherlands (ICA NL) (2018 – heden)
  • Independent mediator, dialogue facilitator and trainer – own company: Mediacio (2011 – heden)
  • Independent trainer and coach in peace education, conflict mediation, international dialogue, intercultural communication, changemakers traineeship, international development (2011 – 2015)
  • Neighbourhood mediator – Beterburen (2010-2015)
  • University lecturer: 10+ courses in social sciences, thesis supervisor in the field of conflict studies, honours course lecturer in conflict studies – Interdisciplinary Social Sciences department and the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Amsterdam (2009 – 2015)
  • Soliya – university lecturer and dialogue facilitator of students in international dialogue processes – University of Amsterdam in cooperation with Soliya (, (2009 – 2015)

Read more about Judith’s career as a conflict expert in MBBI’s interview with Judith. Or take a look at her portfolio page for an overview of her projects.

Interview with JudithJudith's projects

What am I working on now?

I am currently working on the following projects ..


Interview MBBI met Judith

Mediation Beyond Borders International (MBBI) heeft mij, als een van haar leden, in 2020 geïnterviewd. Via deze link is het gehele interview te lezen (in het Engels), waarbij ze ingaan op hoe ik gegroeid ben als professional in het Peace and Security veld. Ik kwam als zeventien-jarige in aanraking met conflict in het Midden-Oosten, deze ervaringen hebben mij gevormd - leidend tot mijn studiekeuze en hoe ik mij inzet voor een meer vreedzame wereld.

ACT Different

Samen met Brenda Broekhuizen (holistisch coach en ACT-trainer) ontwikkelde ik de online workshopreeks ACT Different die momenteel loopt. Binnen een kleine groep leer je in 8 interactieve lessen de inzichten uit Acceptance and commitment therapy toe te passen in je leven.

Dialoog sessies IPF

Het doel van het International Peacebuilders Forum (IPF) is om mensen die in de samenleving positieve verandering willen brengen een veilige plek te bieden om te leren, te reflecteren en om kennis en praktijkervaring met elkaar te delen. Ik bied een aantal dialoogsessies aan waarin je - samen met anderen - kunt onderzoeken wat jou op dit moment in je werk- en privesfeer leidt, rondom een aantal thema's zoals 'Covid-19', klimaat- of sociale problematiek.